Staying in Style: Pairing Your Scrubs with the Perfect Accessories

Staying in Style: Pairing Your Scrubs with the Perfect Accessories

When your wardrobe consists of medical scrubs majority of the time, you may feel like your outfit is missing something. Believe us when we say; it doesn’t have to! There are numerous accessories that can match your scrubs here at Blue Sky Scrubs that are both useful and fashionable. Let’s take a look!

Luxurious Lanyards

Your scrubs aren’t the only thing you need in order to work in the hospital every day. You also need to carry a number of things with you; identification, pens, even medical tools. Now, you can really work in style. Blue Sky Scrubs carries an entire line of lanyards that range in color and are durable and fashionable.

Where Function Meets Fashion

Nobody said that all lanyards have to be made of cheap fabric. Don’t get us wrong - they’re certainly functional, but lanyards can be made of much more aesthetically appealing materials.

Our lanyards are made out of several different kinds of jewels that come in various shapes and colors. There’s something for everyone, depending on your style. If you like to switch up the color and design of your scrub outfits, you can find a lanyard that matches each color!

Most of all, however, our lanyards are durable and tough. They’re easy-to-clean, especially if you follow the instructions on our website, and are sure to last you a long while!

Feel like just adding an accessory to your outfit? Check out our website to see how else you can wear our beautiful lanyards! In fact, there are even matching earrings for majority of our lanyards - for all of you who have an eye for jewelry.